Choose a word to describe your book. Funny because Mr and Mrs Twit fight because it was funny.

Title: The Twits
Author: Roald Dahl
Date started: 29/07/13
Date finish: Not yet
What was the book about?
Mr Twit and Mrs Twit a really disgusting old people because they never wash themselves. They always fight because they play tricks on each other. They keep a group of monkeys in the back yard and the monkeys are planning to get revenge.
What did you like about the book?
I like Roald Dahl story’s because I find them funny.
What was your favourite part of the book?
My favourite part was that Mr Twit thought he got rid of Mrs Twit but as soon as she was going up she popped lots of balloons so then she started going down and when she came down she was angry.
How many stars would you give this book? Colour the stars.
(5 – Excellent, 1 – Poor)
I rate this book five stars